The ‘Mindfulness for Life’ Course
This Melbourne based mindfulness course is a 6 week group program designed to help participants develop the psychological skill of mindfulness. The ‘Mindfulness for Life’ course is loosely based on the Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) program, developed and popularised by Jon Kabat-Zinn. The ‘Mindfulness for Life’ course differs from MBSR in its strong emphasis on practical applications of mindfulness in everyday life. Through guided experiential meditation and hands-on practice, this course will invite you to engage with the group, whilst developing mindful awareness for use in your day-to-day life.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a mental state of awareness that involves paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity and flexibility. Mindfulness is a skill that can be developed through practice; meditation is just one way amongst many of cultivating mindfulness. For more information about mindfulness click here.
When is the Next ‘Mindfulness for Life’ Course?
Dates: Groups available on Wednesday evenings (six consecutive weeks), starting on Wednesday 26th of April, 2023
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Where? 232 Lennox St, Richmond. Click here for a map of the location.
The full price of the mindfulness course is $490, however concession rates are available for low income and health care card holders. This price includes extensive learning materials, guided Mindfulness Meditation CD’s (downloadable MP3’s), and a home practice journal.
*Medicare rebate of $254.10 available to all those with current GP referral. Rebates are also accessible through some private health insurers, provided your insurance company covers psychological groups.
*Please be advised that course fees are non-refundable
Why Participate?
If you’re like most, you probably spend a lot of time thinking about what’s NOT happening in the moment: that is, ruminating about the past, or worrying about the future. Indeed, mind-wandering appears to be the brain’s default mode. However, according to recent research conducted at Harvard University, mind-wandering is a bigger predictor of unhappiness than how a person spends their time! Mindfulness meditation has been shown to be an effective way to combat this mind-wandering; meditation is about focussing our attention on the present moment
The Benfits of Mindfulness
Mindfulness and mindfulness meditation has been widely used to help people manage anxiety, depression, stress, chronic pain and other chronic medical conditions. Mindfulness meditation has been associated with vast benefits, such as:
- Being less judgmental and better able to let difficult things go
- Being less affected by unpleasant thoughts and feelings
- Bolstered immune system and reduced stress
- Improved performance in tasks that require sustained focus
- Experiencing a sense of calmness, peacefulness and happiness
- Being more compassionate towards yourself and others
For a full review of the psychological, physical health, neurological and behavioural benefits of mindfulness meditation click here.
You can register for the course by completing our online enrolment (by clicking below) or by contacting us by phone. You can also complete the expression of interest form below, and we will contact you within 24 hours.
Please use the contact form below to express your interest in the upcoming ‘Mindfulness for Life’ course.
Expression of Interest
Online Enrolments
Past Participants Comments:
“This program taught me to calm my mind. I have learnt multiple techniques on how to manage my thoughts and ultimately my reactions and actions by incorporating mindfulness into my everyday life.”
“I took something new on board each week, that I was able to apply in my everyday life”
“I feel the benefits from this course will continue to grow and develop after the course”
“I loved working within a supportive group, where I felt safe to share stories, opinions and experiences”
“I have been able to practise the skills I learnt here at stages of my day, which has helped me to be more aware of my thoughts and feelings and how they are just thoughts, they are not right or wrong, they just are… it has helped to take some of the pain out of my emotions.”
“I’m not usually comfortable sharing my thoughts and feelings with people I don’t know, however the facilitator made the experience very easy for me.”
“The facilitator was great. They were positive, and encouraged people to share experiences in a non-judgemental way”
“I found group discussions and sharing very liberating. It made me feel that I’m not alone with those emotions and thoughts.. Meditation techniques helped to release tension and stress.”
“The program was facilitated in an easy, calm and respectful manner, and helped me to feel relaxed and comfortable.”